
Roll of Honour

2nd Lieut Hugh Charles ALLEN 7th Bn. (T.). 25/04/1917
2nd Lieut John RITCHIE 6th Bn. (T.). (and M.G.C.). 25/04/1917
291946 Pte Henry Stewart ADAMS 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292496 Pte Robert BALMAIN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292508 Pte William BINNIE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
291138 L Cpl William BROWN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292597 Pte David William BROWN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293110 Pte Melville BROWN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292596 Pte George BRYAN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
291671 L Cpl John BUCHANAN MM 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292744 Pte Hugh William CAMERON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290585 Pte John CHALMERS 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290299 Pte Charles CLARK 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292820 Pte Alexander CRAIG 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290228 Cpl Robert CRAIGIE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292617 Pte Alexander DAVIDSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
29260 Pte Frank DEVANEY 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290480 L Cpl George DOIG 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292880 L Cpl John DON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292905 Pte George DUNCAN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293106 Pte Isaac Norrie DUTHIE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290419 Cpl Henry ERSKINE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292404 Pte James FAIRWEATHER 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292821 Pte Andrew Bruce FERGUSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292482 Pte James FERGUSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
266705 Pte David Findlay FORBES 6th Bn. 25/04/1917
S/14185 Pte Reginald FRASER 10th Bn. 25/04/1917
291196 Pte George FREW 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292638 Pte William George HAMILTON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
291380 Pte James HERD 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292639 Pte Robert Kerr HOLMES 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
291859 Pte Harold Stephen HOPKINS 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290172 Pte David KING 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290161 Pte Alexander Fyall LATTO 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
291904 Pte David LAWRENCE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292649 L Cpl John Meikle LEARMOUTH 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292652 Pte William LECKIE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292919 Pte John LEIGHTON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293027 Sgt James LIDDELL 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290801 L Sgt Richard Cloag LINDSAY 9th Bn. 25/04/1917
290376 Pte Daniel LITTLE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292527 Pte James LOW 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290325 Pte James LOWE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
9932 Sgt Alexander Yeaman MacARTHUR latterly 9627 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 25/04/1917
290464 Pte Charles Reginald MacDONALD 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292654 Pte John MAIN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292445 L Cpl David MARTIN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292784 Pte James McCOLL 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292679 Pte Duncan McCOWAN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290714 Pte John McFARLANE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290129 Pte Joseph McGILL 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
20133 A/Cpl Francis McINTOSH latterly 12965, R.D.C. 25/04/1917
290551 L Cpl George MELVILLE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293030 Pte Robert MILLAR 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
S/7294 Pte Andrew MORRISON 8th Bn. 25/04/1917
292477 L Cpl Edward MURRAY 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292771 Pte Archibald MURRAY 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290510 Pte Andrew MYLES MM 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
S/16020 Pte Charles Evelyn OGILVIE 2nd Bn. 25/04/1917
290065 Cpl Andrew PATERSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290363 Pte William PATTERSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292488 Pte James PICKEN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
5070 Pte John Simpson RAMSAY latterly 32651, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 25/04/1917
290398 L Cpl David ROBERTSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290643 Pte Frederick Thomson ROBERTSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292842 L Cpl Robert Stewart ROSS 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292697 Pte Donald McAskill SMITH 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
S/15678 Pte Robert SMITH 9th Bn. 25/04/1917
292866 A/Cpl John STEPHEN 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293125 Pte Charles STEWART 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
292459 Cpl Samuel STURGEON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290174 Pte Robert TODD 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
S/13571 Cpl James TWADDLE 12th Bn. formerly 23522 Scot. Rifles. 25/04/1917
290415 Pte James WEIR 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
293124 Pte James WHYTE 7th Bn. 25/04/1917
290202 Pte David WILSON 7th Bn. 25/04/1917

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