T/2nd Lieut | James Alexander | ANDERSON | 11th Bn. (att. 8th Bn.). | 19/10/1916 | ||
T/2nd Lieut | Asa | CRAVEN | 8th Bn. (att. 11th Bn.). | 19/10/1916 | ||
S/13095 | Pte | Arthur Crawford | ALLEN | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/3663 | A/Cpl | David | APPLEBY | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/11542 | Pte | John | BELLINGHAM | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
2430 | Pte | David | BISSETT | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43129 | Pte | Alexander | BOYTER | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40456 | Pte | James Gray | BROUGH | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43318 | Pte | John | CALLAN | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40462 | Pte | Duncan | CARSWELL | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43003 | Pte | James | CLARK | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40465 | Pte | William | CLARK | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
11677 | Pte | Allan Gordon | COOMBES | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/8770 | L Cpl | William | CRAWFORD | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
3/2542 | L Cpl | Allan | CUNNINGHAM | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/9900 | Cpl | David | DUNCAN | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40557 | Pte | Joseph | FISHER | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
1786 | Pte | Thomas | FISHER | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/10024 | Pte | George | FRAZER | 8th Bn. formerly 43119 R.A.M.C. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40440 | Pte | John Deans | GIBSON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/12989 | Pte | John | HOGG | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40479 | Pte | William | KEIR | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/10756 | Pte | Alfred | KENNEDY | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/11212 | Pte | Robert | LYON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40508 | L Cpl | Samuel Edgar | MALPAS | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/3045 | L Cpl | James | McANDREW | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/8425 | Pte | Daniel | McCLYMONT | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43279 | Pte | John St Clair | McILHATTON | 9th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
3/2752 | Pte | William | McLAREN | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40517 | L Cpl | James | McNEIL | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40488 | Pte | James | MORRISON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/12133 | Pte | John Edward | O’KELL | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40581 | Pte | Robert | PAGE | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/8841 | Pte | Robert | PARKER | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/7316 | Pte | David | PATON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/13376 | Pte | William Davidson | ROLLO | 10th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43197 | Pte | Robert Watson | SHIRREFF | 1st Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/9019 | L Cpl | William | SMITH | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43130 | Pte | Adam | SPEED | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/43013 | L Cpl | George | STURROCK | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40434 | A/Cpl | Victor Logan | THOMPSON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/12809 | Pte | Lewis | THOMSON | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/3410 | Pte | Alexander | TUNSTALL | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/40612 | Pte | Andrew | WHYTE | 8th Bn. | 19/10/1916 | |
S/12897 | Pte | Robert | WOOD | 10th Bn. | 19/10/1916 |
Major-General David Stewart of Garth
Just before heading up the stairs to Gallery 4 visitors will see the painting of someone who, on first glance, might not look like a