
Roll of Honour

T/2nd Lieut James Alexander ANDERSON 11th Bn. (att. 8th Bn.). 19/10/1916
T/2nd Lieut Asa CRAVEN 8th Bn. (att. 11th Bn.). 19/10/1916
S/13095 Pte Arthur Crawford ALLEN 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/3663 A/Cpl David APPLEBY 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/11542 Pte John BELLINGHAM 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
2430 Pte David BISSETT 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43129 Pte Alexander BOYTER 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40456 Pte James Gray BROUGH 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43318 Pte John CALLAN 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40462 Pte Duncan CARSWELL 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43003 Pte James CLARK 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40465 Pte William CLARK 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
11677 Pte Allan Gordon COOMBES 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/8770 L Cpl William CRAWFORD 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
3/2542 L Cpl Allan CUNNINGHAM 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/9900 Cpl David DUNCAN 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40557 Pte Joseph FISHER 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
1786 Pte Thomas FISHER 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/10024 Pte George FRAZER 8th Bn. formerly 43119 R.A.M.C. 19/10/1916
S/40440 Pte John Deans GIBSON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/12989 Pte John HOGG 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40479 Pte William KEIR 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/10756 Pte Alfred KENNEDY 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/11212 Pte Robert LYON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40508 L Cpl Samuel Edgar MALPAS 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/3045 L Cpl James McANDREW 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/8425 Pte Daniel McCLYMONT 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43279 Pte John St Clair McILHATTON 9th Bn. 19/10/1916
3/2752 Pte William McLAREN 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40517 L Cpl James McNEIL 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40488 Pte James MORRISON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/12133 Pte John Edward O’KELL 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40581 Pte Robert PAGE 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/8841 Pte Robert PARKER 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/7316 Pte David PATON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/13376 Pte William Davidson ROLLO 10th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43197 Pte Robert Watson SHIRREFF 1st Bn. 19/10/1916
S/9019 L Cpl William SMITH 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43130 Pte Adam SPEED 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/43013 L Cpl George STURROCK 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40434 A/Cpl Victor Logan THOMPSON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/12809 Pte Lewis THOMSON 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/3410 Pte Alexander TUNSTALL 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/40612 Pte Andrew WHYTE 8th Bn. 19/10/1916
S/12897 Pte Robert WOOD 10th Bn. 19/10/1916

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