
Roll of Honour

T/Lieut Maurice Edward Pelham BURN (att. 8th Bn.). 09/04/1917
T/2nd Lieut David Wilson Harper CUTHBERT 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
T/2nd Lieut Oswald Campbell FRASER 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
T/2nd Lieut William Zacharias GAWNE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
T/2nd Lieut Henry Erskine TYSER 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
8034 Sgt Alexander ANDERSON latterly 17367 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 09/04/1917
S/12262 L Cpl Edward ASPIN 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40322 Pte George AUCHTERLONIE 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40453 Pte Ernest Clifford BARNETT 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/12350 Pte James BAXTER 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/7912 L Cpl Harry Johnstone BELL 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16773 Pte Alexander BELL 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/3884 Pte William Joseph BENT 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40533 Pte Robert BEVERIDGE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/0707 Pte William BINNIE 9th Bn. formerly 1906 F.& F. Yeo. 09/04/1917
S/16068 Pte Alexander W BISSETT 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40691 Pte Charles Frederick BLAGROVE 8th Bn. formerly 2708 F.& F. Yeo. 09/04/1917
S/7362 Pte Robert BLAIKIE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40786 Pte George BORTHWICK 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16344 Pte Andrew BRIGGS 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9639 Pte John BRUCE 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/18145 Pte Thomas BURDEN 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/15940 Pte John Francis BURKE 9th Bn. formerly 14178 A.C.C. 09/04/1917
S/10414 Sgt James CAMPBELL 8th Bn. formerly 47721 R.G.A. 09/04/1917
S/4599 L Cpl James CLARK 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/14605 Pte Stewart CLARK latterly 39576 11th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/43152 Pte James CONNELL 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/6209 Pte Peter DECHAN 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/4663 L Cpl Michael DOLAN 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/43143 Pte John DORWARD 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9848 L Sgt Thomas DOW 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/3461 Pte Charles DRYBURGH 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
13756 Pte William Grey DUNCAN latterly 30585 11th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/15014 Pte Alexander EASSON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9954 Pte Henry FERGUSON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/8801 Pte Harry GILDEA 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9022 Pte James GLEN 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/43459 Pte Charles David GORDON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40716 Pte Alexander GOURLAY 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9185 Pte Robert GRIERSON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/13338 Pte James GRIEVE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/14018 Pte Joseph GRISENTHWAITE 9th Bn. formerly S/15941, A. & S.H. 09/04/1917
S/13003 Pte William HAIG 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/5328 Pte Charles HAMILTON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/13270 Pte David HARRIS 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/5321 L Cpl John HASTIE 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/14145 L Cpl Edward Murray HASTINGS 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/4278 Pte Henry HICKSON 8th Bn. formerly 3/7386, A. & S.H. 09/04/1917
S/17066 Pte Thomas Vincent HURST 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40752 Pte Robert James JOHNSTON 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/15972 Pte Samuel JOHNSTON 9th Bn. formerly 6567, Army Cyc. Corps. 09/04/1917
S/8955 Cpl James KAY 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16119 Pte Joseph KEITH latterly 33345, 15th Bn. H.L.I. 09/04/1917
S/16400 Pte George KIRK 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16753 Pte William LOW 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9800 Pte John MacFARLANE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16823 Pte John MACKAY latterly 39548, 13th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/40736 Pte Lionel Bradley King MAGIE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/15953 Sgt John MANZIE 9th Bn. formerly 4506 Army Cyclist Corps. 09/04/1917
S/43460 Pte George MARSHALL 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/3618 Sgt James MATTHEW 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
2305 Sgt Robert McCONDACH 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16683 Pte William McFARLANE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9967 Pte Peter McKELLAR 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9132 Pte John McKENZIE 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/43434 Pte John Chalmers McKENZIE 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
17605 Pte Joseph McKINNON 8th Bn. formerly 389, A.& S.H. 09/04/1917
S/40506 A/Sgt Thomas McLEAN 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9111 Pte James McLEOD 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16804 Pte William McNEIL latterly 39389 15th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/6511 Pte Thomas McWHIRR 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/17061 Pte John Gray MELDRUM 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/12740 Pte James MILLAR latterly 39545 11th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/40438 Cpl William Tait MILLER 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/3234 Pte Thomas MILNE 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/15795 Pte Henderson NELLIES 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40583 Pte George PARK 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/4637 Pte George Henderson PHILIP 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40767 Pte Hugh PHILP 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9912 Pte Charles Harley POLLOCK 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9400 Cpl Alexander POTTER 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
6866 Pte James PRATT latterly 39396, 15th Bn. The Royal Scots. 09/04/1917
S/12234 Pte William REID 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40367 Pte Allan RINTOUL 9th Bn. formerly 1804, Scot. Horse. 09/04/1917
S/16598 Pte Robert RINTOUL 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/10379 Pte Peter ROBERTSON 8th Bn. formerly 12127, 5th Res. Cav. Regt. 09/04/1917
S/15986 Pte Robert ROBERTSON 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/6462 Pte George ROUSELL 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/17466 Pte George Hutton SCOTT 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40592 Pte William SCOTT 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/12917 Pte Henry SCOULAR 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/15043 Pte James R SHANKS 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/43226 Pte George Robert SMITH 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40894 Pte Joseph SMITH 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/17613 Pte Thomas SMITH 8th Bn. formerly 1891 A.& S.H. 09/04/1917
290168 Pte William Allan SPEED 7th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/16237 Pte Alfred Alexander Ernest STEWART 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
9478 WO2 (CSM) Hugh Drummond STRACHAN DCM 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
5093 Pte Lawrence James STURROCK latterly S/17407 7th Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders. 09/04/1917
S/16339 Pte James Neil SUTHERLAND 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/11442 Pte John TRENCH 8th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/9300 Pte Patrick WHELAM 9th Bn. 09/04/1917
S/40615 Pte Christopher Sked WILSON 8th Bn. 09/04/1917

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