T/2nd Lieut | William McAdam | CAMERON | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | ||
T/Capt | John Dingwall | CARSWELL | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | ||
T/2nd Lieut | James Grant | FERGUSSON | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | ||
T/2nd Lieut | Walter Forbes | HUTTON | 8th Bn. (11th Bn.). | 14/07/1916 | ||
S/10407 | L Cpl | David | ABBOT | 8th Bn. formerly 47666 R.G.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6976 | Pte | Hamilton | ALEXANDER | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/11331 | Pte | Thomas | BELL | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/7532 | Pte | Archibald | BLACK | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/11719 | L Cpl | William Norman | BLAIR | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9448 | Pte | James | CAMPBELL | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12008 | Pte | Patrick | CHRIGHTON | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/3193 | L Sgt | John | CHRISTIE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6909 | Sgt | James | CONACHER | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9320 | L Cpl | Charles John | COSH | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/11839 | Pte | James Hadden | DAVIDSON | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/3118 | Sgt | James | DEWAR | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
10244 | Pte | Walter Joseph | ELSDEN | 1st Bn. formerly 18731 R.F.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/4216 | Sgt | Duncan | FERGUSON | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9745 | Pte | Murdoch Macrae | FRASER | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12784 | Pte | William James | FRAZER | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/3689 | Pte | John | GARDINER | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9367 | L Cpl | Frederick | GEORGE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
8036 | Pte | William | GEORGE | DCM | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 |
3/2562 | Pte | Dennis | GILHOOLY | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10189 | Pte | Robert Alexander | GOUDIE | 1st Bn | 14/07/1916 | |
S/2967 | L Cpl | David | GRIERSON | MM | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 |
S/10494 | L Cpl | John | GUNN | 8th Bn. formerly 6567, 5th Res. Cav. Regt. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12290 | L Cpl | Daniel | HADWIN | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9919 | Pte | James | HUGHES | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6988 | Pte | James | KELLY | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6469 | Pte | Henry | KING | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/3412 | Pte | Alexander Stewart | LAIRD | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6342 | Pte | David | LAUGHLIN | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/8004 | Cpl | Alexander | LESLIE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10275 | L Cpl | Harry | LEWIS | 8th Bn. formerly 85175 R.F.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6457 | Pte | Peter | LONGHAM | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
2886 | L Cpl | James | MACAULAY | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/8610 | L Cpl | James Henry | MARTIN | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
2322 | L Cpl | Robert | MASON | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12579 | Pte | Alexander Herd | MASON | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
3/2331 | L Cpl | Donald | MATHIESON | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/7586 | Pte | Alexander | McANGUS | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/8015 | Pte | Daniel | McDOUGALL | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10427 | Pte | Archibald | McFARLANE | 8th Bn. formerly 45448, R.G.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9889 | Pte | Joseph | McGINTY | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/11618 | Pte | James | McLEARY | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/8669 | Cpl | James | McLENNAN | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
7812 | Pte | David | McLORIE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10901 | Pte | James | MELROSE | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12647 | Pte | John | METHVEN | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/15540 | Pte | William Andrew | MILLS | 2nd Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/12474 | Pte | John | PORTER | 2nd Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/4128 | Pte | William | PRENTICE | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10527 | Pte | Henry | ROBERTS | 2nd Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
8560 | Pte | George | ROBSON | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6475 | Cpl | James | RUSSELL | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/9089 | Pte | John | SCOTT | 9th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
2587 | L Cpl | Christopher | SHAW | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10264 | Pte | John | SMEDLEY | 8th Bn. formerly 85968 R.F.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/11053 | Pte | David | SMITH | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
877 | Sgt | Henry W | STEWART | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/6989 | Pte | Ezekiel | STURGEON | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/10081 | Pte | John | TAGGART | 8th Bn. formerly 9493 R.F.A. | 14/07/1916 | |
2748 | Pte | Albert | WHEELER | 1st Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/3121 | Pte | Andrew | WHYTE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 | |
S/8784 | Pte | James | WHYTE | 8th Bn. | 14/07/1916 |
Major-General David Stewart of Garth
Just before heading up the stairs to Gallery 4 visitors will see the painting of someone who, on first glance, might not look like a