
Roll of Honour

T/2nd Lieut William McAdam CAMERON 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
T/Capt John Dingwall CARSWELL 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
T/2nd Lieut James Grant FERGUSSON 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
T/2nd Lieut Walter Forbes HUTTON 8th Bn. (11th Bn.). 14/07/1916
S/10407 L Cpl David ABBOT 8th Bn. formerly 47666 R.G.A. 14/07/1916
S/6976 Pte Hamilton ALEXANDER 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/11331 Pte Thomas BELL 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/7532 Pte Archibald BLACK 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/11719 L Cpl William Norman BLAIR 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9448 Pte James CAMPBELL 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/12008 Pte Patrick CHRIGHTON 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/3193 L Sgt John CHRISTIE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6909 Sgt James CONACHER 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9320 L Cpl Charles John COSH 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/11839 Pte James Hadden DAVIDSON 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/3118 Sgt James DEWAR 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
10244 Pte Walter Joseph ELSDEN 1st Bn. formerly 18731 R.F.A. 14/07/1916
S/4216 Sgt Duncan FERGUSON 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9745 Pte Murdoch Macrae FRASER 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/12784 Pte William James FRAZER 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/3689 Pte John GARDINER 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9367 L Cpl Frederick GEORGE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
8036 Pte William GEORGE DCM 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
3/2562 Pte Dennis GILHOOLY 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10189 Pte Robert Alexander GOUDIE 1st Bn 14/07/1916
S/2967 L Cpl David GRIERSON MM 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10494 L Cpl John GUNN 8th Bn. formerly 6567, 5th Res. Cav. Regt. 14/07/1916
S/12290 L Cpl Daniel HADWIN 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9919 Pte James HUGHES 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6988 Pte James KELLY 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6469 Pte Henry KING 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/3412 Pte Alexander Stewart LAIRD 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6342 Pte David LAUGHLIN 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/8004 Cpl Alexander LESLIE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10275 L Cpl Harry LEWIS 8th Bn. formerly 85175 R.F.A. 14/07/1916
S/6457 Pte Peter LONGHAM 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
2886 L Cpl James MACAULAY 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/8610 L Cpl James Henry MARTIN 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
2322 L Cpl Robert MASON 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/12579 Pte Alexander Herd MASON 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
3/2331 L Cpl Donald MATHIESON 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/7586 Pte Alexander McANGUS 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/8015 Pte Daniel McDOUGALL 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10427 Pte Archibald McFARLANE 8th Bn. formerly 45448, R.G.A. 14/07/1916
S/9889 Pte Joseph McGINTY 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/11618 Pte James McLEARY 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/8669 Cpl James McLENNAN 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
7812 Pte David McLORIE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10901 Pte James MELROSE 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/12647 Pte John METHVEN 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/15540 Pte William Andrew MILLS 2nd Bn. 14/07/1916
S/12474 Pte John PORTER 2nd Bn. 14/07/1916
S/4128 Pte William PRENTICE 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10527 Pte Henry ROBERTS 2nd Bn. 14/07/1916
8560 Pte George ROBSON 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6475 Cpl James RUSSELL 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/9089 Pte John SCOTT 9th Bn. 14/07/1916
2587 L Cpl Christopher SHAW 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10264 Pte John SMEDLEY 8th Bn. formerly 85968 R.F.A. 14/07/1916
S/11053 Pte David SMITH 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
877 Sgt Henry W STEWART 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/6989 Pte Ezekiel STURGEON 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/10081 Pte John TAGGART 8th Bn. formerly 9493 R.F.A. 14/07/1916
2748 Pte Albert WHEELER 1st Bn. 14/07/1916
S/3121 Pte Andrew WHYTE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916
S/8784 Pte James WHYTE 8th Bn. 14/07/1916

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