
Roll of Honour

S/41003 Pte John ADAMS 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/41034 L Cpl Francis Bush BLACKMAN 7th Bn. formerly 4869 A. & S.H. 24/07/1918
S/16693 Pte Andrew CHALMERS latterly 149814 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 24/07/1918
S/41036 Pte Thomas CRABBE 7th Bn. formerly 4400 A.& S.H. 24/07/1918
202245 Cpl John DEMPSTER MM 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/17081 Pte Thomas Alexander DOWMAN 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/24427 Pte Robert DOWNES 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
292751 Pte Hugh DUNLOP 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/40121 Pte Charles GORDON 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/25084 Pte David Keith GRAHAM 7th Bn. formerly 4031 F.& F.Yeo. 24/07/1918
S/25092 Pte James Gordon GRIFFITH 7th Bn. formerly 4033, F.& F. Yeo. 24/07/1918
265849 Pte Alexander D HALLYBURTON 6th Bn. 24/07/1918
310155 Sgt George Reid HENDERSON 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
4926 Pte Thomas KEITH latterly 223029, Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, 6th Bn. 24/07/1918
351082 Pte John KENNEDY 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/23126 Pte William Reid KERR 7th Bn. formerly 1/1829, 38th T.R. Bn. 24/07/1918
S/25061 Pte John McFARLANE 7th Bn. formerly 3998, F.& F. Yeo. 24/07/1918
4827 Pte James McKENZIE latterly 260279, 5th Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders. 24/07/1918
351210 Pte James McLEAN 7th Bn. formerly 8167, H.C. Bn. 24/07/1918
267142 Pte Angus McMILLAN 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/41191 Pte William James Knowles MORRISON 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
310091 Pte William MURDOCH 7th Bn. formerly 6409 A.& S.H. 24/07/1918
S/25054 Pte Francis Andrew NOLAN 7th Bn. formerly 3890 F.& F. Yeo. 24/07/1918
S/41214 Pte George RIACH 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
203123 Pte Charles Cameron ROSS 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/23715 Pte Alexander McMillan THOMSON 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
S/24048 Pte William TOWNLEY 8th Bn. formerly 2577 Scot. Horse. 24/07/1918
293302 Pte John Philip WALKER 7th Bn. 24/07/1918
351319 Pte Andrew YATES 7th Bn. formerly 3284 H.C. Bn. 24/07/1918

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