
Roll of Honour

T/2nd Lieut Daniel BRACELIN (att. 1/7th Bn.). 20/07/1918
2nd Lieut Stanley Knox FARRELL 6th Bn. (T.). 20/07/1918
2nd Lieut William John Mechan ROBB 4th Bn. (T.). 20/07/1918
2nd Lieut Alexander Macdonald STRACHAN 4th Bn. (att. 6th Bn.). 20/07/1918
22503 Pte William James ADKINS 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/24602 Pte Givan William ANDERSON 6th Bn. formerly 2383 Scot. Horse. 20/07/1918
S/41637 Pte James ANDERSON 6th Bn. formerly 15344 Scot. Horse. 20/07/1918
293206 Pte David BONTHRON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/19656 Pte Robert Robertson BURT 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
292740 Pte William Gardiner CAMERON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/22769 Pte Samuel COWAN 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
202816 Pte Alexander CRICHTON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/19774 Pte David DEUCHARS latterly 105956 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 20/07/1918
S/19516 L Cpl George DURIE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
201602 Pte Charles Gordon ESPLIN 4/5th Bn. 20/07/1918
202076 Pte John FERGUSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/41664 Pte James FINDLAY 6th Bn. formerly 153343, Scot.Horse. 20/07/1918
S/41319 Pte William FORRESTER 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/24610 Pte Robert GIBSON 6th Bn. formerly 2468 Scot. Horse. 20/07/1918
292178 Pte James GILROY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/24564 Pte Walter GOW 6th Bn. formerly 2588 Scot. Horse. 20/07/1918
291558 Pte Robert GRAY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
265529 Pte George GREEN 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/11779 Pte William HUGHES latterly 50757, 11th Bn. The Royal Scots. 20/07/1918
269040 Cpl Hugh KELLY 7th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/20874 Pte James LYON 8th Bn. 20/07/1918
241259 L Cpl William MATTHEW 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
265859 Pte John McBEAN 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
265490 Pte William Duncan McEWAN – 24-07-18. 7th Bn. 20/07/1918
265462 L Cpl James McKAY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/16759 L Cpl John McKAY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
202301 Pte John McKAY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
265297 Pte James McLAREN 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/5904 Pte Alexander Shepherd McNEILL 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
266910 Pte James MENZIES 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
201577 Pte William MENZIES 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/41640 Pte Robert Rennie MERSER 6th Bn. formerly 153179 Scottish Horse. 20/07/1918
2776 Pte Arthur MILLAR latterly 235369 4th Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders. 20/07/1918
200422 Pte John MILNE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/24665 L Cpl John Robertson MITCHELL 6th Bn. formerly 2490 Scottish Horse. 20/07/1918
S/41056 A/Sgt James MITCHELL 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/10542 Pte William MORRISON 8th Bn. formerly 21434 Camrn. High. 20/07/1918
202853 Pte Andrew PAKE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/41310 Pte Robert PATERSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
350428 Pte James PATTERSON 6th Bn. formerly 2036 H.C.Bn. 20/07/1918
S/10462 Pte James ROBB 6th Bn. formerly 3821, 5th Res. Cav. Regt. 20/07/1918
S/24649 Pte William Albert ROBERTS 6th Bn. formerly 59154, 103rd T.R. Bn. 20/07/1918
350545 L Cpl John ROBERTSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/12633 Pte Arthur ROBERTSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
292381 L Cpl John RONALDSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
267923 Pte Donald ROSS 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/41486 Pte George SCOTT 8th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/21724 Pte James SLOWEY 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/16385 Pte Alexander SMITH 8th Bn. 20/07/1918
9689 Pte John SMITH latterly 7047 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 20/07/1918
S/18286 Pte John STEWART 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
269020 Cpl Walter THOMSON 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
202429 Pte Thomas TODD 7th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/5801 Pte James URQUHART 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/8821 A/Sgt James WALLACE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
3/1909 Pte James WALLACE 2nd Bn. 20/07/1918
S/20660 Pte George WELLS 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
291552 Pte James WHALAN 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
269042 Pte John WHITE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
240863 L Cpl David WYLIE 6th Bn. 20/07/1918
S/41261 Pte John Edward McIntosh YOUNG 7th Bn. 20/07/1918

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