
Roll of Honour

S/12318 Pte Muriel ALBERTI 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/8233 L Cpl Peter BAIRD 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/16251 Pte Martin BOWMAN 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/11990 Pte David Ramsay BROWN 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
292516 Pte Samuel Wallace BROWN 7th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/18558 Pte Andrew DUNCAN 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/43431 A/Cpl Alexander Low EDDIE 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/10283 Pte Harry EMERY 9th Bn. formerly 47518 R.G.A. 26/04/1917
S/16041 Pte Charles GRAY 2nd Bn. 26/04/1917
266815 Pte James Walter JESSAMINE 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/14606 Pte Andrew LISTER 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/8325 Pte Duncan MACFARLANE 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/9226 Pte James MAXWELL 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/40230 Pte James McAINCH 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/43439 Pte Donald MUNRO 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
202745 Pte David ORCHISON 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
240406 Pte William PERT 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
265177 L Cpl William REID MM 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
266741 Pte Duncan ROBERTSON 6th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/40418 Pte Duncan ROBERTSON 9th Bn. formerly 5218, Scot. Horse. 26/04/1917
S/43462 Pte Alexander SMITH 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/16519 Pte Charles SMITH 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/43147 Pte David Smith STEWART 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/16516 Pte John McDonald SUTTIE 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
291108 Pte Robert TELFER 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/43211 Pte John WOOD 9th Bn. 26/04/1917
S/11724 Pte James WRIGHT 9th Bn. 26/04/1917

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