
Roll of Honour

T/2nd Lieut William ANDERSON 11th Bn. (att. 9th Bn.). 23/04/1917
T/Lieut Octavius Leslie BEARN 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Beaumont Crowther Oswald BEATSON 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Clifford Hicks BUTLER 5th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Alfred Bramhill DOE 6th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Alexander Cockburn GARVIE 6th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut William GLASS 6th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Robert Rankin HEARD 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut William David MacBETH 5th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut Alexander Ramsey MORRIS – 25-04-17. 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
A/Capt Leonard Graeme MORRISON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut James Reid NELSON 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut James Whittingham ROBERTSON 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut John Kennedy WALLACE 7th Bn. (T.). 23/04/1917
T/2nd Lieut Alastair Fisher WATSON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
2nd Lieut John WILSON 3rd Bn. (att. 9th Bn.). 23/04/1917
267720 Pte Elihu Sutton ALLARDICE 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292721 Pte Robert ANDERSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
265958 Pte Thomas ANDERSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/14188 Pte Robert Allan BARNETT 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292733 Pte William BELL 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
240315 Pte George BLACK 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
265251 Pte John BLACKLOCK 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/15829 Pte Thomas A BLYTH 2nd Bn. 23/04/1917
S/15962 L Cpl James BOYLE 9th Bn. formerly 8715 A.C.C. 23/04/1917
290103 Pte Donald BREMNER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/13416 Pte John Roy BROUGH latterly 39165 13th Bn. The Royal Scots. 23/04/1917
S/2876 L Cpl Robert BROWN 2nd Bn. 23/04/1917
292455 Pte Brewis John BROWN 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
267869 Pte John Tosh BROWN 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292593 Pte George BURNETT 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
202330 Pte James CAMPBELL 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/12162 Pte William Edward CANNELL 2nd Bn. 23/04/1917
267876 Pte James CARGILL 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292599 Pte James CHALMERS 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292610 Pte John COCHRANE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
291279 Pte Henry COOK 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
291479 L Cpl John Joseph COOPER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266824 Pte Thomas COWAN 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/4605 L Cpl Michael CRILLY 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
265939 Pte James CROSS 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/42449 A/Cpl Alexander CURRIE 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292426 Pte William DOIG 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
293156 Pte David DOUGAL 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/9368 Sgt Hector Drysdale DUNCAN 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
290050 Cpl Charles EASTON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
291390 L Cpl James EDDIE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
265097 Pte Ross Stewart EGGO 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292935 Pte Daniel FARRELL 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/16848 Pte Finlay FERGUSON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292630 Pte Robert Smith FERGUSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
291008 Pte Mark FLOCKHART 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292529 Pte Walter FOWLER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266791 Pte John GALLACHER 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
268019 Pte John Arthur GARDINER 6th Bn. formerly 6467 Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
291003 Pte John GENTLE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/11169 Pte William Launcelot GEYTON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/43432 Pte George GOODALL 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292532 Pte William GRAY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292861 WO2 (CSM) Charles William GREIG 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/14626 Pte Thomas HANVEY 2nd Bn. 23/04/1917
201454 Pte George Harold HARRISON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/17774 Pte Roy Terrance HENDERSON latterly S/40829, 4th Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders. 23/04/1917
292401 L Cpl Matthew HENDRY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
267936 Cpl Percival Urban HINDLE 6th Bn. formerly 6349, Scottish Horse. 23/04/1917
292468 Pte William J HOLLEBON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
290097 Pte Adam Allan HUNTER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266602 Pte Alexander HUNTER 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
265533 Pte Robert Gowans IMRIE 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/15551 Pte James INNES 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292838 Pte James JOHNSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292562 Pte John JOHNSTON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/12321 L Cpl Lindsay Robert Joseph LATTO 2nd Bn. 23/04/1917
290311 Pte William LAWRIE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266349 Pte Fritz Henry LEACH 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
290242 Pte William Graham LISTER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292509 Pte William LUMSDEN 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268357 Pte Andrew MACPHERSON 6th Bn. formerly 150 Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
S/16260 Pte Fred MASON latterly 39544 13th Bn. The Royal Scots. 23/04/1917
267755 Pte John MAXWELL 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292851 Pte John McARTHUR 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
265142 L Cpl Thomas McDONALD 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292538 Pte James McDONALD 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292526 Pte John Murray McDONALD 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266612 Pte John McGIBBON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/9483 Pte Angus McGONIGILL 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
293167 Pte Alexander McGREGOR 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268291 Pte Duncan McINNES 6th Bn. formerly 5347, Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
266513 Pte Fraser McINTOSH 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
290546 L Cpl Neil McINTYRE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266051 Pte James McLAREN 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
265997 Pte John McLAREN 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
265341 Pte John William McLAREN 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/3656 Pte Joseph McLURE 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/5420 Pte Duncan McNEE 1st Bn. 23/04/1917
293166 Pte Thomas McNIVEN 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266653 Pte Duncan McPHERSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292677 Pte David McVEY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
291892 Pte William MICHIE 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
291962 Pte Thomas MILLER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
310042 Pte John MONAGHAN 7th Bn. formerly 2920 H.C. Bn. 23/04/1917
291964 Pte Archibald MORRISON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
292536 Pte Albert MORTON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268352 Pte Alexander MURRAY 6th Bn. formerly 77211 Scottish Horse. 23/04/1917
291130 Pte William MURRAY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266276 Cpl Hugh Dewar NICHOLSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
268233 Pte William ORR 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292683 Pte Robert O’SHEA 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266599 Pte Thomas PARKER 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
202547 Pte Charles PARKIN 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268322 Cpl James PYOTT 6th Bn. formerly 1717, Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
292690 L Cpl William Elder Seath RIPLEY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268244 Pte Clifford ROBERTSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/4141 Pte William ROBERTSON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292420 Cpl Bertram SAMPSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266919 Pte Ralph SCOTT 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
268262 Pte Adam SHEARER 6th Bn. formerly 6711 Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
293169 Pte James Reid SLATER 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266691 Pte Andrew SMITH 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/15722 Pte Robert SMITH 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
265107 Cpl Colin SMYTH 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
266644 Pte Charles SOMERVILLE 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
290748 Pte Edward STANLEY 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266102 Pte Duncan STEWART 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292701 Pte Alexander STRAITON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
267873 Pte Arthur John STURROCK 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
268147 Pte Peter TAWSE 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292387 L Cpl Andrew TAYLOR 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266064 Pte William THOM 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
292709 Pte William Sugden THOMPSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/13373 Pte James Christie THOMSON 1st Bn. 23/04/1917
268388 Pte Robert THOMSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/4264 Pte William THOMSON 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/16174 Cpl Andrew TURNBULL latterly 39532 13th Bn. The Royal Scots. 23/04/1917
S/14574 Pte Thomas Ives WALLACE 9th Bn. 23/04/1917
292715 Pte William WANDS 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
268275 Pte Ernest WATMOUGH 6th Bn. formerly 6528 Scot. Horse. 23/04/1917
292502 Cpl John WATSON 7th Bn. 23/04/1917
266678 Pte John WHYTE 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
266231 Pte David WHYTE 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
S/12729 Pte John WILLIAMSON latterly 39209 13th Bn. The Royal Scots. 23/04/1917
266974 Pte David WILSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
267778 Pte Peter Morrison WILSON 6th Bn. 23/04/1917
290433 L Cpl James Buchanan WOOD 7th Bn. 23/04/1917

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