
Roll of Honour

2nd Lieut William BELL 5th Bn. (T.). 03/05/1917
2nd Lieut Hubert Arnold CLEMENT 3rd Bn. (att. 8th Bn.). 03/05/1917
T/2nd Lieut Dennis Riley HARRISON (att. 8th Bn.). 03/05/1917
2nd Lieut Joseph Cyril MONDAY 3rd Bn. (att. 8th Bn.). 03/05/1917
Capt Norman Robertson TAYLOR MC 5th Bn. (T.). 03/05/1917
S/2957 Pte Andrew BAXTER 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/7698 A/Sgt Andrew BOWMAN 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
268709 Pte James BRASH 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43009 Pte David BRUCE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43194 Pte Walter BRUCE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
678 Sgt George COLLINS MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/12987 Pte Albert CONSTABLE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
8762 Pte Harry Maltby COOKE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16202 Pte James DALRYMPLE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40743 Pte Robert DAVIDSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/18025 Pte Patrick DIAMOND 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43218 Pte Hugh DICKSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/13696 Pte Robert DOWIE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
267937 Pte George DUNBAR 6th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16899 Pte Walter FELGATE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/10399 L Cpl James FERGUSON 8th Bn. formerly 3930 5th Res. Cav. Regt. 03/05/1917
S/11910 Pte Charles FISHER 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40559 Pte James GILLIES 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16884 Pte Alexander GLEN 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/9221 Pte John GUNNING 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/8697 Pte Alfred GUTHRIE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
2842 Pte Robert HAGGART latterly 30601, 11th Bn. The Royal Scots. 03/05/1917
S/9286 L Sgt Andrew HAMILTON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/4283 Pte Joseph HANNAH 8th Bn. formerly 3/7241, A. &S.H. 03/05/1917
S/4435 Pte Alexander HASTIE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/17595 L Cpl Alexander HENDERSON 8th Bn. formerly S/6948, A. & S.H. 03/05/1917
S/19917 Pte John HODGE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40721 Pte John JOHNSTON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/11893 Pte William KINNEAR 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
12450 Pte Frederick LANE 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40516 Pte Alexander LANGLANDS 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
268713 Pte Patrick David LAWSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40749 Pte Alexander LEITHAM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/13333 Pte David LINDSAY latterly 39614 12th Bn. The Royal Scots. 03/05/1917
S/3445 Sgt David LITTLEJOHN MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43024 Pte George Waldie LONGMUIR 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/11358 A/Cpl George LOUDEN 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/19925 Pte George LUNN 8th Bn. formerly 3/643 R.A.S.C. 03/05/1917
2301 Sgt John Stuart MacMURCHIE DCM MM* 8th Bn. formerly 3/1956, R.A.M.C. 03/05/1917
S/40567 Pte Henry John MALPAS 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
292664 Pte Hugh McDONALD 7th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16612 Pte Robert McDONALD 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/11338 L Cpl James McGREGOR MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
475 Pte Joseph McLEOD 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
42290 L Cpl Donald McMINN latterly 39630, 12th Bn. The Royal Scots. 03/05/1917
S/9050 Pte Robert MILLER 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/4971 Pte George MITCHELL latterly S/43155 2nd Bn. The Seaforth Highrs. 03/05/1917
S/19930 Pte Edward MOULTER 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
1944 Pte John MOWATT latterly 67404 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 03/05/1917
S/19934 Pte George PLUMLEY 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
17534 Pte Robert RAEBURN 8th Bn. formerly 1248, A. & S.H. 03/05/1917
S/13087 Pte William Alma RANKIN 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40586 Pte Walter REID 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/3477 Pte William Clark REID 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/9244 Cpl William RENNIE MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16222 Pte David ROBBIE 9th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/9365 L Cpl David Elder ROBERTSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16317 Pte John ROBERTSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/9315 Pte Robert ROBERTSON MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/19936 Pte John Thomas RODGERS 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/40588 Pte Alexander ROSS 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43010 Cpl Alexander SMART 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/19974 Pte James SMITH 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/19941 Pte Samuel Priestley SMITH 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
10243 Pte Alfred STARR 8th Bn. formerly 98173 R.F.A. 03/05/1917
S/9897 Pte Andrew THRELFELL 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/17615 Pte Peter TOMKINS 8th Bn. formerly S/8122 A.& S.H. 03/05/1917
S/40757 Pte Thomas Kinnear VASS MM 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/16605 Pte Andrew WALKER 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
3/2143 Pte Isaac WALTERS 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/17581 Pte Andrew WATSON 8th Bn. formerly S/3475 A.& S.H. 03/05/1917
S/10140 Pte Charles Henry WIBBERLEY 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
S/43319 Pte Thomas WILSON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917
17536 L Cpl Frederick James WOOLNOUGH 8th Bn. formerly 10102. A.& S.H. 03/05/1917
S/11109 Pte Norman YEADON 8th Bn. 03/05/1917

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