
Roll of Honour

Capt Robert Cocks CUNNINGHAM MC 4th Bn. (T.). 03/09/1916
Lieut William Balfour Bethune DUNCAN 4th Bn. (T.). 03/09/1916
2nd Lieut William John GODFREY 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
Lieut Robert Cowper King MILL 5th Bn. (T.). 03/09/1916
Lieut William Stewart ROBERTSON MC 10th Bn attached 4/5th Bn 03/09/1916
Capt Edward Alexander SHEPHERD 4th Bn. (T.). 03/09/1916
2559 Cpl William ADDISON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
240893 Pte Harry ALEXANDER 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2534 Pte David AULD 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
201364 Pte John BARRON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11588 L Cpl John Cummings BELL 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/3991 Pte William BIRSE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/3309 Sgt Thomas BOSLEM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2091 Pte Charles BOWMAN 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2395 Pte Joseph BOYD 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2334 Pte James BURNETT 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
241026 Pte William CARGILL 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
201325 Cpl John CASSIDY MM 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
241017 Pte Charles CLARK 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2924 Pte Arthur CONNELLY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10332 Pte James COOPER 1st Bn. formerly 8698. 5th Res. Cav. Regt. 03/09/1916
241095 Pte George CRAIG 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
3248 Pte William CRAIG 6th Bn. 03/09/1916
4635 Pte Patrick CROSSAN 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
240413 Pte Peter CUNNINGHAM 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11483 Pte Peter CURRAN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3/9487 Pte Henry CURRIE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2329 Pte Alexander DAVIE 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
3/3726 Pte Robert DICKSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
8566 Sgt James DOCHERTY DCM MM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/8739 Pte John DODDS 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3/2750 Pte Alexander DUMPHIE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1777 Pte Alexander DUNBAR 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/9798 Pte John DUNCAN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2331 Pte John DUNCAN 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/12626 Pte John Hutt DUNN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11848 Pte Albert Chapman ELLISS 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/8305 Pte David Black FAIRWEATHER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/9071 Pte Robert FARMER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
4310 Pte Francis FARRELL 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
240821 L Cpl James FERGUSON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
3/2581 Pte Cornelious FERNS 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
188 Pte William FORBES 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
4164 Pte William FORBES 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
266 Sgt Edward FORD DCM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/9418 L Cpl John FRIZZELL 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2736 Pte George GOULD 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
1495 Pte Donald GOW 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10017 Pte Adam GRAHAM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/8493 Pte Hugh GRAHAM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2225 Pte James GRAY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
4883 Pte Martin GREEN 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/15754 L Cpl John GREER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
240874 Pte Stewart GREWAR 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2220 Pte David Rae HALL 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1973 Pte George HANNAY 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
118 Sgt Frederick Henry HASTINGS 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/9675 Cpl Joseph HAYES 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10335 L Sgt Neil HENDERSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
201188 Pte William HENDERSON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/7414 L Cpl Alfred HERBERT 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3120 Pte David HOUSTON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2667 Pte William HUGHES 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
200564 Pte David HUTTON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/12682 Pte Eric B KEILLER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3/2216 Pte James KELLY 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2792 Pte James KELLY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2399 Pte William KING 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
1535 Pte James KNOX 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
240218 Sgt James LAIRD 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10516 Pte Robert LAWRIE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10822 Pte William LISTER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1657 Pte James LUNDIE 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2732 L Cpl Harry MACDOWALL 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3295 Pte John MACKIE 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
240857 Pte William MARCHBANK 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
240174 Sgt David MARTIN 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
4292 Pte Peter MASSON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/12301 Pte Joseph Percy MATHER 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
201225 Pte William McBAIN 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
7458 Pte James McCALLUM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
201301 Pte William McCUMISKEY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
200164 Pte Hugh McDONALD 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
240820 Pte Joseph McDONALD 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
513 L Sgt Thomas McEWAN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10817 Cpl Donald McGREGOR 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1032 L Cpl James McKENZIE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2790 Pte Henry McLAREN 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
200400 Pte Alexander McLEOD 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2600 Pte Daniel McNAUGHTON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
8371 L Cpl Richard McQUEEN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3030 Pte John MEECHAN 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2622 Pte Thomas MEEKISON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
240446 Pte George MELDRUM 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
200662 Pte James Johnston MIDDLETON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11842 Pte Robert MILL 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3087 Pte William Charles MILLAR 7th Bn. 03/09/1916
3989 Pte Andrew MILLER 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
3217 Pte Alexander Bell MITCHELL 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11900 Pte William Taylor MITCHELL MM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1830 Pte Robert MONEY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11149 Pte John Birrell MORLEY 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11810 Pte Ernest Howard MOULDEN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
240726 Pte George MOWAT 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2142 Pte David MURRAY 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2292 Pte David MURRAY 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/10396 L Cpl Alexander NEILSON 1st Bn. formerly 6116 5th Bn. Res. Cav. Regt. 03/09/1916
3/3417 Pte Andrew NIVEN 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/8441 Pte David RAMSAY 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
240861 L Sgt William REA 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
13280 Pte Edward REGAN MM 1st Bn. formerly 3433, R.A.M.C. 03/09/1916
S/9934 Cpl William RING 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3/3814 Pte William ROBB 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
240781 Pte John ROBERTSON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
200654 Pte Thomas ROSS 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
200613 Pte Andrew SIMPSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/6389 Pte Joseph SIMPSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
3/3709 Pte Thomas SIMPSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
1562 Sgt Alexander SIMPSON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
2884 Pte Harry SMITH 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
200551 Pte Norman SMITH 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
3419 Pte William Laing SMITH 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/11962 Pte James SNEDDON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2585 Pte David STEEL 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2691 Pte James STEWART 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
4227 Cpl James STORMONT 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
2804 Pte Patrick STRACHAN 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/4031 Pte William SWEENY 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
240817 Pte Robert TAIT 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
4165 Pte Adam THOMSON 7th Bn. 03/09/1916
3341 Pte Robert THOMSON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/5876 Cpl Peter WARDLAW DCM 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/4694 Pte Matthew WATSON 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/2829 Pte John WATT 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
S/9746 L Cpl Alexander WHYTE 1st Bn. 03/09/1916
2102 Pte James WHYTE 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
8386 Pte Arthur WHYTOCK latterly 20431 Machine Gun Corps (Infantry). 03/09/1916
4753 Pte John WILLIAMSON 4th Bn. 03/09/1916
3206 Pte Robert WILSON 5th Bn. 03/09/1916
S/12566 Pte George YOUNG 1st Bn. 03/09/1916

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